Our Services

Wellness & Sick Pet Care

Our veterinarians provide thorough, nose-to-tail examinations at every visit. The doctor will check your pet’s eyes, ears, teeth, skin & hair coat for signs of disease and parasites, listen to the chest to check heart and lung health, palpate the abdomen to feel for masses or pain, and check limbs and joints for discomfort or abnormalities.

We do not offer after-hours services (see emergency info here), but do our best to take same-day urgent cases whenever possible. Occasionally a pet will arrive in critical condition; we ask for your patience in these situations, as a life-threatening situation requires our immediate attention and may delay appointments. Our staff will advise you if there will be an extended wait time.



  • Rabies
  • DHPP
  • Leptospirosis
  • Lyme
  • Bordetella
  • Canine Influenza (H3N2/H3N8 Combination)


  • Rabies
  • FeLV

We also offer immunizations for pet pigs and ferrets.
Vaccine titers available upon request.

General Surgery

In addition to routine spays and neuters, our veterinarians commonly perform mass removals, cystotomies, foreign body removals, & most soft-tissue surgery. Dr. Gaiser performs ACL repairs at Allegheny North Veterinary Hospital, our sister clinic in Perrysville.

Our Certified Veterinary Technicians carefully monitor all of our anesthetic patients during the procedure and throughout recovery. Your pet is under constant supervision to ensure safety, with monitoring equipment to report ECG, pulse oximetry, respiration, blood pressure, and body temperature.

Dental Care

Dental prophylaxis (commonly referred to as “dental cleaning”) is often recommended for pets with signs of periodontal disease. We also offer dental radiography to evaluate the underlying oral structures and identify signs of disease that may otherwise go undetected.

How is a dental prophylaxis performed? Under general anesthesia, we remove plaque and tartar using an ultrasonic scaler, followed by a thorough polishing to eliminate microscopic scratches. While your pet is sedated, we are able to examine each tooth closely for abnormalities. We carefully probe the gumline to check for pockets and disease and record findings in the medical record.

Extractions are sometimes necessary to improve your pet’s health, and will only performed if a tooth is at risk of causing discomfort to your pet.

Digital Radiography (X-Rays)

Our digital radiography system allows our veterinarians to quickly assess your pet’s health. Radiographs help diagnose many diseases and injuries by giving the veterinarian a look into what can’t be seen from the outside.

Radiography is an excellent diagnostic tool for many cases, but some medical conditions are better diagnosed using ultrasound. Ultrasound technology uses sound waves to create a visual image of soft-tissue structures, blood vessels, and blood flow. Abdominal ultrasounds are available with Dr. Gaiser at our sister clinic, Allegheny North Veterinary Hospital.

In-House Laboratory

Our in-house lab allows us to quickly analyze your pet’s health to aid in diagnosing illnesses. This includes CBC/Blood Chemistry, Urinalysis, Heartworm/Lyme Screening, FeLV/FIV Testing, and more.

Referral Laboratory Services

For non-urgent or specialized testing, blood, urine, tissue, and fecal samples may be sent to IDEXX Laboratories.

Companion Laser Therapy

Our therapy laser helps to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and speed healing for a variety of conditions. All surgical patients receive a treatment at the incision site to improve recovery.​

Hill's Prescription Diets

Our veterinarians are confident in the quality nutrition offered by Hill’s; these foods help pets with conditions that require specific dietary needs to be met (such as kidney disease, diabetes, or food allergies).​